
Showing posts from 2018

Stratfor:The Geopolitics of Greece

Croatian Soccer Politics

Austria Hungary in a Tweet

Iadar, Jadar, and Zadar---The ever changing name of a city


The Handshake Not Heard 'Round the World

The Ban Jelačić Trust or How did the Austro-Hungarians hold it together?

A New Schism Erupts

The Turks (Ottoman and Modern) and American Missionaries

The rise of the Turkoman Maritime Principalities in Anatolia Byzantium and the Crusades

Ancestry DNA results

Why the analysis?

Questions to Ask in Croatian Geneology

The Zaradruga

Croatian Ancestry DNA

Making Sense of the Balkans: Geopolitical Futures

Kajkavian or kajkavski

Chakavian Čakavski


The Ottomans and the Renaissance Part 4