Why the analysis?

Some might wonder on a blog about Balkan family history  there are articles about the regional situations--the geopolitics of the region. Part of my reasoning is that as I have learned more and more the military history--due to the prevalance of wars in the region, the better of a family historian I have become. This is due to the fact that I can follow the wars and thus follow the archives of the region. Three major sources for Croatian geneology are

The Military Frontier records held in Zagreb by the Croatian Institute of History and in Vienna.

A small amount are held in France due to the Napoleonic occupation, from the years 1813-1815 or so. These as far as I have known are not indexed


For geopolitics, I generally like to look at STRATFOR and Geopolitical Futures, both run at some point by George Friedmann. His book The Next Hundred Years is also good for ascertaining patterns such as the rise of a "new" Austria-Hungary under the aegis of Poland. As the economic and political ties grow closer with the US and Eastern Europe geneology will get easier as well. His elucidation of these patterns also helps historians understand the complicated patterns of history in the region. Asa Hungarian Jew and American, he understands this region the very best. I tried to disprove him, but found I could not.


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