Cetinje: The Royal City
Cetinje was the royal capital of Montenegro (Crna Gora), the so called Black Mountain while it lasted for about 500 or so years. Podgorica (POHD gor itsa) or Titograd is a rather recent city, relatively speaking.
Here is a classic Balkan meme. It says: A fitness instructor from Cetinje:
Implied in the selection of a large, broad shouldered Montenegrin is the essence of a great Balkan warrior. tall, strong, krupan (broadshouldered, say KROOP ahn), olive skinned, good looking. Usually these were called hajduks, (HI duke)which derives from the word hajde which means to initiate or "Come on!" So for example my last name means dude, and to say come on dude! one says hajde bolan! (HI day BOL ahn) A hajduk was a Christian freedom fighter who robbed and plundered Muslims (and Christians) to support his war against either the Ottoman Empire or the Venetian Republic, depending on who was fighting him. Thus the origin of the surname Hajdukovich (HI duke ohvitj) is literally the son of a Balkan bandit. It is common throughout Croatia, Montenegro, and maybe Serbia (haven't checked on that yet) because of the war against the Ottoman Turks. Then you have the uskoks OOHS kohks. They were sea hajduks. Does that just complicate your day? :)
Here is a classic Balkan meme. It says: A fitness instructor from Cetinje:
Implied in the selection of a large, broad shouldered Montenegrin is the essence of a great Balkan warrior. tall, strong, krupan (broadshouldered, say KROOP ahn), olive skinned, good looking. Usually these were called hajduks, (HI duke)which derives from the word hajde which means to initiate or "Come on!" So for example my last name means dude, and to say come on dude! one says hajde bolan! (HI day BOL ahn) A hajduk was a Christian freedom fighter who robbed and plundered Muslims (and Christians) to support his war against either the Ottoman Empire or the Venetian Republic, depending on who was fighting him. Thus the origin of the surname Hajdukovich (HI duke ohvitj) is literally the son of a Balkan bandit. It is common throughout Croatia, Montenegro, and maybe Serbia (haven't checked on that yet) because of the war against the Ottoman Turks. Then you have the uskoks OOHS kohks. They were sea hajduks. Does that just complicate your day? :)
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